We worship at 10 am each Sunday.
Visit “Sermons, Services and Special Moments”
This page contains all updates.

Facebook page for the church. Tap here.
Check out the Church’s YouTube Channel.
The Bible Through the Seasons: Reading the whole Bible in three years!
SOMETHING NEW! Pastor Nick records the daily Firestarters and at least a portion of the day’s reading.
“Psalms at Mid-Week” Video Meditations
“Alphabytes” – Object meditations in alphabetical order through the year.
The Thrift Store
Hours: Tues 6 pm-8 pm; Thur 10 am-2 PM; Sat 10 am-2 PM
Food Pantry At the Church off the Parking Lot
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Thursdays, 10 am – 11:30 am
Visit the Food Pantry page
for further notices.
As the world comes together in the face of the horrific attack Israel, Ukraine and mass shootings, Matawan UMC continues to dedicate its mission to draw together those who wish to find comfort and intercessory prayer in the strength of love and community.
For prayer requests, please email me, Pastor Nick, by Saturday evening,
to be part of the Pastoral Prayer each Sunday. njconnolly7@gmail.com.
If you find that you are being blessed by this ministry,
please support it with your offerings.
You can mail them to the church: 478 Atlantic Ave., Aberdeen NJ 07747.
I hope that what I offer “out there” can help you to “come here” to the wonderful community which is Matawan UMC!
Blessings to everyone and health, during these challenging times.
The Church family and its pastor,