Through a slow movement of our imagination we ponder Luke 5:1-11 the story of the call of Peter, James and John by the lakeshore. They did an “About Face” in their lives as fishermen and s...Read More
When our eyes pop wide open with US News, where do we turn? Peter in his first letter moves us beyond the various emotions that well up to the joy of knowing that the Lord God has this world In His ca...Read More
God is Change, and in the end, God prevails. But meanwhile …Kindness eases Change. Love quiets fear. And a sweet and powerful positive obsession Blunts pain, Diverts rage, And engages each of us In ...Read More
We welcome these dedicated women who sing for the Glory of God. Tiffany Anastasatos – Beverly Karlovich – Lisa Riccardi The Gospel of the Marriage at Cana is told as indeed it is, “G...Read More
“The more I ponder the story of Jesus, the more convinced I am that it’s about a radical inclusivity that threatened and still threatens all who are invested in exclusivity of any kind, but partic...Read More
We consider the various ways in which the story of Herod becomes the story of us in “The Herod Syndrome.” We free the story from its literalness to become a parable of what we are facing in the wo...Read More
The Virgin Mary is presented as the perfect, waiting receptacle for what God is going to do through her. She is the paradigm of each of us, man or woman, to wait upon the action of God in our lives....Read More
Last week we spoke about the U-Turns that we need to take in our understanding of what John the Baptist means by repentance–turn your way of thinking around. The prophets themselves make U-Turns fro...Read More
The Woolly Mammoth: Extinct! The “Woolly Prophet,” John, coming at a time when people might have thought that the era of the prophets was extinct–Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel–Extinct! Not...Read More
We wait for the coming of Jesus…but stop: Jesus is already here! We are the ones that need to come to Jesus. The sermon has two bookends: “Day by Day” from Godspel, and the familiar ...Read More
Like the parting of the Red Sea, our differences move aside so that the power of Christ our King can lead us to the other side where we live in peace and unconditional love for one another and for all...Read More
Two women decide to give their all to God: the Widow of Zarephath believes that the prophet Elijah was the voice of God; she does what he asks, running the risk of her dying along with her son. Becaus...Read More
Our beloved ancestors do much more than merely watch over us. They’re not in some heavenly “treehouse in the sky,” looking down on us; that sounds so ineffectual! Instead, they are within us...Read More
“In-Sight” is the capacity which the Spirit gives us to see more deeply than what our eyes alone can see. The baptism of Reina Denise prompts us to return to basics: the most important baptism is ...Read More
Whatever has been the trajectory in your thoughts and feelings about candidates for the coming election, here’s a way to go deeper. Tune into the Holy Spirit who dwells within you. You need an i...Read More
“Muddy water let stand becomes clear.” (Lau tzu) Look what can happen when we stop—through silence… through waiting… through the gently pushing aside those concerns that we have, the guilt t...Read More
Wisdom will well up from within, if you give silence a chance to clear the soul from the various “clouds” that drift into the path of the Light....Read More
The challenging words of Jesus echo in our minds and our hearts and suggest that we take a good look at the habit of gossiping. Whether it happens in real conversation, it often happens in our heads. ...Read More
Go Deep. Catch the tossings of the Holy Spirit that fly above the noise, the obstacles, the dissension, the struggles. Go deep.Let the Holy Spirit touch you, communicate with you and receive love and ...Read More
There is a similarity between the Hebrew words for “anger” and the word for “poison.” “The early Sages said, ‘Whoever angers is as if he has performed idolatry.’ They fur...Read More
By emptying yourself of inordinate attachments, like the garbage removed from your vacuum cleaner, the Lord will swoop and be sucked into your soul....Read More
Sink beneath the chaos of broadcast news do that quiet place within. you. Wait inside till earth’s daily wonders touch you: the Sun rising faithfully each day, doing so for another $250 million ...Read More